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Smart Remarks

Posted on Sun Sep 18th, 2022 @ 3:08am by Goldrider Kenna
Edited on on Sun Sep 18th, 2022 @ 3:11am

Mission: CW
Location: Cascade mountains
Summary: Kenna can't win a conversation
Timeline: NA

A strong, crisp breeze rattled the needles of the coniferous trees that ran like a wide river along the side of the mount. The view from the cliff ledge where the gold dragon sunned herself was one of the most stunning on Pern. But the dragon didn't notice. She was in enjoying the warmth of the bright sun.

Her rider didn't notice scenery either. She was walking the small dirt road that ran among the trees.

"Why do I live in place where it's so cold my face hurts??!!" the young woman complained to anything in the forest that might hear her. No one and nothing answered her question.

"It's so cold my fingers are going to fall off ," was her second louder complaint.

ou are wearing gloves {Tith the lounging gold pointed out as she repositioned her body on her ledge.

Kenna stopped walking and looked down at her hands. Her fur-lined glove wearing hands. Her eyebrows scrunched down as she scowled at her dragon's silent snort.

"Alright, my hands aren't -that'- cold," the gold rider conceded. "But my face still hurts!"

The dragon snorted again as she curled her tail around her one back leg.

There was a few more moments of silence as Kenna inspected the condition of road. Her mood lightened ever so slightly until Tith made another observation.

}It's actually the middle of Spring. All the snow has been gone for quite a long time.{

Kenna rolled her eyes, "Enough already, Tith. I get your point. But I have every right to my opinion and to voice it."

}I can hear your opinions all the way up here. I'm sure if another human or dragon were to pass by they would think you were some raving mad woman who'd been raised in these mountains by wild Wherries.{

Kenna's head dropped in defeat. She picked up her road inspection where she'd left off. There was no winning with Tith when the dragon was in one of her moods.

**Must be nice to just sit up in the sun and do nothing all day,** Kenna thought to herself.

}I heard that too,{ Tith snickered and stretched out a bit more before she went to sleep.


Kenna, Jr WW, rider of Gold Tith
Michele ~ [email protected]


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