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Glow Lamp

Posted on Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 5:50pm by Craft Journeyman Tulie
Edited on on Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 5:56pm

Mission: CFH
Location: Several miles from a main mine CFH
Summary: A hillside explodes.
Timeline: NA

The hole was barely noticeable in the side of the hill. It was nearly perfect in its corresponding angle of the rise of the hill, the hole entrance itself flush with ground out of which it had been dug. The only clue that it had been dug out rather than naturally occurring was the meticulously packed dirt on either side of the hole.

Several hundred feet away, a group of men stood staring at the dark black circle in the side of the hill, the looks on their faces ranging from stoic to panic. Two men bearing the shoulder knots of the Mine Craft Hall, one having master knots, silently awaited for whatever was going to come out of the whole. The other three men were cotholders.

"What if there was a cave in?" The curious cotholder wondered aloud.

"What if she's stuck?" the worried cotholder asked.

"What if she's dead??!!" The panicked cotholder nearly screeched.

Before either of Mine Crafters could reply, movement at the mouth of the hole caused several sighs of relief and one smirk of triumph that came from Master Mine Crafter.

Quickly, a small head bearing a hard hat with small glow lamp on it poked out. Swiftly after the head, a small stout body wriggled its way out.

"Fire in the hole!" Shouted the tiny person who was now up and running like prized runner beast.



The woman who had been yelling her required second warning of explosion never got the chance to finish the sentence. Her body was lifted into the air and propelled another 10 feet towards the group of men who were now all crouched on the ground as chunks of dirt and sod rained down upon them.

There was a slowly growing rumble. The noise started to build. Moments later it ended in a muffled roar as what used to be the hill imploded on itself in a fountain of dust.

The Master Miner grinned at the three cotholders,"I told you she'd do it! And now you have another eight acres of workable crop land."

All five men turned to look at the dirt covered woman now sitting up and holding her hard hat aloft in the air with a grin.

"I didn't even break the glow lamp!"

The three cotholders looked terrified at the statement. The Master Miner grinned back at his explosives expert.

"Well done, Tulie! Well done."

Tulie~Explosives Expert
Michele ~ [email protected]


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