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The Secret Diaries of Esgou Pt1

Posted on Sun Sep 11th, 2022 @ 8:16pm by Holdstaff Esgou

Mission: FRH
Location: Floria River Hold
Summary: The late night journalentries no one knows about
Timeline: N/A

The sun had long since set and the people and beasts of Floria River Hold more recently settled down for a good night's rest. All except for Esgou, the Hold Steward. His sharp, stern features had softened with fatigue of a long day of getting the Weyr Tithe on its way to Kere Valla Weyr. And to **her**.

Just at the mere thought of **her**, Esgou's eyes widened and he paused for a moment to look around the corridor checking for anyone who might be wandering down to the kitchens for a late night snack. In the muted light of his glow basket, the Steward relaxed again. It wasn't as if he'd spoken aloud about...**her**. Picking up his travels again, he increased his pace to his room. Just in case.

Moments later, Esgou locked the door to his living quarters then made his way to his writing desk with a feeling of relief that was visible in every muscle of his lean frame. If anyone ever knew. If he ever let slip any hint from his mouth about....**her**.

He shook his head as if it would release the feelings of dread he had just conjured. No. He would -never- let anything so horrifying as that happen to himself. Never.

Easing into the chair that occupied the large writing desk, Esgou gathered his ink stick, blotting sand, and ink. Then he carefully removed a key from a chain around neck that was kept hidden behind his tunic. The key fit a small hidden drawer under the top of the desk. From the drawer Esgou produced a wherhide-bound journal. His journal. His -private- journal. The one no other living person on Pern knew existed. And would probably never know.

Journal Entry:: Weyr Tithing Day

The two blue riders arrived on time to escort the Tithe Train. They were extremely impressed with my manifest, but of course why wouldn't the be? I run the most productive Hold on all the southern Continent.

The train was on its way and I back in my office when I heard our Watch Dragon announce an important arrival. I have gotten to know Raylith's different bugles in his 6 months here. I knew immediately it had to be **her**.

There was no time to rush to greet her outside so I spied from the small window in my office.

It was **her**.

Yet she didn't land. Instead, she and her queen circled with a greeting bugle then flew off in the direction of the Tithe wagons.

I wonder if she stopped them to take note of the larger number of wagons than normal. The quality of the goods I sent. Did she look at my manifest?

Did she see my name?

Did she recognize my name?

Does she have any idea that I do all this...
...for **her**?

After the drying sand was swept back into its box and the ink dry, Esgou carefully closed the journal and locked away in its secret spot. The key to the hidden drawer went back around his neck. The glowbasket was dimmed even more.

Esgou made his way to bed with vision of Goldrider Neala gracefully flying away.

Esgou~FRH Steward
[email protected]


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