Farmcraft Apprentice Theve

Name Theve

Position Apprentice Beasthealer

Second Position Beasthealer

Rank Farmcraft Apprentice

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 18

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 153
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue


Spouse T'xan

Personality & Traits

General Overview Theve is generally pretty muscular, even though her muscles only bulge under tension from working with the animals.
Hobbies & Interests Rockclimbing

Personal History Theve grew up on a farm in the Northern Continent, and enjoyed her hold-hood when she was younger, prior to the time that Thread first returned. As she grew up around the animals, she loved to learn from them and how to work with them. She started as an apprentice in beastcrafter in her father's footsteps, but then decided after she got through it that she enjoyed learning more about the healing side of the beastcrafter side of the farmcraft hall. She left her family farm when she fell in love with T'xan, who was a searched candidate that ended up impressing a brown dragon.

Even though she serves under the farmcraft hall, she splits her time between the hold and the hall. At the hold, she learns her craft with aspirations of becoming a master beasthealer. While at the weyr, she tends the weyr's beasts that serve the dragons and the cavern folk alike.

While she is in an union with T'xan, she does like to enjoy the company of female companionship of her friend Fliora. She has been on the receiving end of dragonlust for both Fliora, Greenrider of Temuth, and her weyrmate T'xan.