Healer Journeyman Lafunt

Name Lafunt

Position Journeyman Healer

Rank Healer Journeyman

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 19

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 162
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Lafunt is a lithe journeyman healer. He has Thread scars from when they were caught unaware of Thread's first return to Pern. These are down his right shoulder and are nearly faded. They do pop out during the hotter months when Rubkat has stronger rays.


Children Ksiany (2)

Personality & Traits

Hobbies & Interests Swimming

Personal History Lafunt was born into a seacraft family and was raised on the ocean. While he was quite comfortable with the ocean, he wanted to do something more. He left early to become a healer apprentice at the Healer Hall and has been there ever since. A couple turns ago, the woman he had a romantic tryst with ended up pregnant and didn't want to be stuck with a weyrbrat and left for the northern continent leaving Lafunt to raise Ksiany, his daughter, on his own with the help with a foster mother, Jisxen.

His aspirations are to become to a master healer, one that would be adept in the various forms of the Healer hall.