Bluerider P'torren, ANPC

Name P'torren

Position Adoptables

Second Position Rider

Rank Bluerider

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 33
Dragon's Name Rocuth
Dragon's Age 19
Pet Name(s) Aurora, Feline

Physical Appearance

Physical Description P'torren has a well-toned medium build and is a little on the tall side, around 6'1" or so. He has darkish brown hair, kept short though it maintains an odd shaggy look which he cultivates. The rider would be fair-skinned if it weren't for the candlemarks spent outside each day, which often comes with weyrlife, and generally has a healthy tan. He most often wears the plain attire of a dragonrider though he is given to 'dressing up' from time to time in finer clothing for gathers and such.

The bluerider truely plays the part in his appearance as well as in his actions. He's always in the mood for a bit of lively conversation and a good laugh, though P'torren takes his work rather seriously. When not serving Pern, he tends to be spirited, a risk-taker, not one to say no to much the other guys might suggest. But there is yet another side to him, typically kind and gentle with both women and children, a heart-breaker (from time to time) as well as a caring father. He is known to stay on unusually friendly terms with past loves, especially those connected to his offspring.
Dragon's Description Rocuth is a mild tempered dragon, reflected in the shade of his hide, a royal hue in a light tone, similar to an early morning sky. He is large in size, powerful for a blue dragon and knows it. He doesn't have the need to prove himself to greens, catching his share when the time suggests and forming few bonds beyond friendship. He is known to berrate his lifemate from time to time for his behavior but generally remains rather uninvolved, prefering to lounge and enjoy himself rather than meddle in human affairs.


Personality & Traits

Personal History P'torren was weyr-born, the son of a greenrider who had had a fling with a lower caverns woman to get back at his then weyrmate, whom he thought had been unfaithful. The boy was quickly fostered out, as his mother had more important things to deal with in her life. His situation never really phased him, considering over half of the weyr had been reared the same way. He grew to love his foster family, just as so many do, though by his teen turns he felt he was ready to move on. And he did, impressing to a blue dragonet at the age of 14. P'torren moved swiftly through weyrlinghood and on to the ranks of fighting wings. Over the turns he had grown fond of women as well as the occaisional man, and by 18 had sired his first son by a greenriding wingmate. He went on to have another child, before deciding to settle down and be weyrmated to his most recent flame, a kitchen worker by the name of Mollia. The relationship was over within the turn, but produced yet another child. P'torren became weyrmated on and off, had various sweethearts, and four daughters during the next few turns. The bluerider was surprisingly involved in his children's lives (for a dragonrider), seeing them on a monthly to sevendaily basis. He had maintained close friendships with most of the women, so when he decided to transfer to Cascade, he easily convinced all of those caring for his children to move as well. They quickly blended into their new home and regarded it as such, subconsciously forgetting that it was not where they had originally lived. P'torren continued his life as before, and as can be expected sired yet another son, though things didn't work out well with the mother. In spite of that, the man is comfortably settled, looking forward to new things and generally living in the moment, with few regrets.