Bluerider F'vel, ANPC

Name F'vel

Position Adoptables

Second Position Rider

Rank Bluerider

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 26
Dragon's Name Jareth
Dragon's Age 12
Pet Name(s) Zuku, Brown Firelizard

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Standing at a wiry 5’10’’ and 175 lbs., F’vel is lighter and less muscled than his long-time friend C’say, although he is more flexible and just as strong as his brownrider friend. With straight black hair that brushes to just the nape of his neck, which he keeps tied in a small, neat little ponytail most of the time, and sky-blue eyes that are always dancing with laughter or some form of merriment, F’vel is almost the complete opposite of his friend, both physically and emotionally.

F’vel delights in well-tailored, good looking clothes, and does have a rather extensive assortment of fine shirts and tunics, embroidered belts and jerkins, fashionable leather pants, and well-tanned boots and belts. F’vel likes to look good, even when he’s eating the evening meal in the dining cavern, and does take great pains to keep his face clean-shaven. F’vel has even designed his own flying wear, naturally keeping a good appearance in mind. His riding clothes do fit him splendidly and complement his less-broad physique. F’vel is not a womanizer, but can’t say no to a female rider who wants him as her bed-partner for the evening.

F’vel is a joker, a prankster, and a lover, no question about it! He’s a very emotionally stable man, and believes that brooding or getting upset over minor personality clashes is a waste of energy. As a child, he and C’say were the terrors of Blue Moons Weyrhold, and F’vel, then known as Farvel, was the prankster of the pair. Even to this day, F’vel enjoys a good joke or a good prank, and loves to regal those around him with his latest hilarious anecdote where he stars as the fool. Whereas his friend C’say is a more stable man who eventually wants to settle down and maybe have a family, F’vel is far too caught up in enjoying life and devoting himself to fighting Thread right now to give any immediate thought to the long-term future.

F’vel does have a childish side, and gets along particularly well with the weyrbrats, who join him in his latest prankster escapades. F’vel did his darndest to free C’say of his pre-pubescent depression, to no avail, telling him jokes and planning more pranks. F’vel also developed a sense of supportive compassion when C’say’s lover Sonali and their child died during the birthing, and to this day remains supportive of his friend and of anyone with a sad face who comes his way.
Dragon's Description Jareth is slightly above average size for a blue, and has remarkably large wingspan and a decent amount of agility. A rich sapphire blue, his shading becomes an swirl of aqua/green-blue underneath his wings and along his underbelly and under his muzzle. That same aqua color also appears in a single band toward the end of Jareth’s tail.

Jareth is a a perfect match for F’vel. F’vel is a jokester and a prankster, while Jareth is a little more serious, though he is fond of children, and especially weyrbrats, like his rider. Jareth gets along remarkably well with C’say’s Muth, and the two dragons are often seen together on the same weyrledge, soaking up the sun.
Pet(s) Description Zuku is a fire-lizard version of a weyrbrat. He’s wildly colored, mostly dark brown with golden brown bands along his neck, underbelly, and tail. He’s actually fairly large, and from the same clutch as C’say’s Zeno. Unlike Zeno, however, he’s assertive and bossy and has an entertaining tendency to slap strangers with his tail. While he loves to be coddled by F’vel, and he will often play hard-to-get until he gets exactly what he wants. He provides mealtime entertainment by launching small bits of food off the handle of a fork by jumping onto the business end of the said implement.


Personality & Traits

Personal History Born Farvel to a bluerider and a dragonhealer, F’vel spent the majority of his childhood terrorizing Blue Moons Weyrhold with his friend Caysay, now known as C’say. Farvel tried to lift Caysay out of the depression that plagued him in his adolescent years, to no avail. Farvel didn’t find out until after their double Impression the reason for C’say’s melancholy and general depression, and knowing it made F’vel more determined to lift the gloom from his friend’s eyes.

Their Impression proved to be the warmth and love that healed C’say’s wounded heart, and F’vel spent much of his Weyrlinghood being the clown and prankster of the weyr. F’vel was also a friend to Sonali, whose green Traltath was flown by C’say’s brown Muth, resulting in C’say’s first child. F’vel was happy for them, and was silently devastated by Sonali’s death on the childbed, though he was careful to show a brave and compassionate face to the longtime friend who so badly needed the support. Since then, F’vel has named himself C’say’s protector and big brother of sorts, despite their disparity in size and personality. He is forever nosing into C’say’s personal affairs, and has provided some downright hilarious schemes for the weyrbrats to play on the other riders.