Greenrider Amnia, ANPC

Name Amnia

Position Adoptables

Second Position Rider

Rank Greenrider

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 29
Dragon's Name Reinvaldith
Dragon's Age 8
Pet Name(s) Reggo, Canine
Pet's Age 3

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Amnia (pronounced "awn-yah", with a silent 'm'), is a genetic throwback to the bronze skinned, black haired nomadic families that first came to Pern. Her eyes, large ovals with long dark lashes, are an amber flecked brown, while her hair is long, straight, and pure black. Her nose is large, but not overwhelmingly, made not so unseemly by high and well-formed cheekbones. Her lips are wide and full, with typical Pernese, yellowed, but healthy teeth. She stands about 5'10", with a lean, well worked body, weighing 175 pounds due to a toned muscular structure. She has large feet, bony fingers, and an elegantly long neck. She has very fine, light body hair, but thick square eyebrows. Despite a very masculine lifestyle, she has a very feminine flair, and when she actually puts effort into what she looks like, she turns heads.

Amnia keeps to herself, due to a youth of loniness. This lonely life has resulted in a chance to develop many skills, including art, singing, wood working, healing, and cooking. While around people, she is the unobtrusive observer, and only talks to the people that actually have something interesting to bring to conversation. She is a passionate lover, but not very interested in commitment.
Dragon's Description Reinvaldith, like her rider, is a stunning vision. She is an average size green, with long limbs and an impressive wingspan. She is the color of green grass, with a slimple matte quality to it. Along her underbelly, she is dark, as well as a patch around her right eye. She is sly, and draconicly sexy, with a commanding Threadfighting attitude.
Pet(s) Description Reggo is a long hair canine with a pointed face and perky ears, descended from the ancient German Shepherd breed. His coloring is a mixture of black, brown and white. He is a strong canine, is also playful. He's a good watchdog, but not very good at hunting or attacking. He's terrified of tunnel snakes, but loves to play with flits.


Personality & Traits

Personal History Amnia was born into a small trading family to a young woman under very unfair conditions. Her mother, Reshigo, had been the wife of the traders’ leader, Aris, but his jealousy of the beautiful Reshigo's way with men caused much tension in the group. Shortly after Amnia’s birth, Reshigo was gone under mysterious circumstances, and the babe was left in the care of her uncle, Regor. Amnia grew up, aware that her father had disowned her even before she was born, but was a hard worker and a good kid. Only Regor knew the truth, that Aris had been with Reshigo before he had taken her as his wife, and in a drunken stupor, Amnia’s uncle revealed the fact to her when she was 16.

Incensed at the injustice, Amnia struck out against her father, proclaiming the truth to the clan. What followed resulted in a splitting of the group, and those on Amnia's side fled to Black Rock Hold to start a new life, out from under Aris' tyrannical rule. Amnia did not wish to stay long in the Hold, and ventured out with her uncle to work where ever they could be hired. After Regor's death, Amnia was alone, but not lonely. She'd been lucky to chance upon a small cothold the day canine pups had been born. She'd received one as payment for her work. As an 18 year old, Amnia was found on Search, and brought to the Weyr, but it would be three Turns before she would Impress the green Reinvaldith.