Candidate Nalire, ANPC

Name Nalire

Position Adoptables

Second Position Candidates

Rank Candidate

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 17

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Standing at a rough height of 5’6”, Nalire’s life of menial labor is readily apparent in a slim but strong and well-muscled physique. She keeps her straight reddish-brown hair cropped even with her shoulders and usually tucked behind her ears, although shorter strands invariably fall forward into dark brown eyes. Her face could be described as handsome at best, with a stubborn jaw and a bold nose, but her personality shines through and gives her features an astounding amount of character. Typically speaking, she dresses as simply and practically as she can.

Though fairly quiet, Nalire is hardly a pushover. Her wit is dry, her mischievous streak is a mile wide, her will is strong, and she will not hesitate to speak her mind if she feels the situation warrants it. Not at all proud, she will not hesitate to ask for help if she needs it, but she is quite self-sufficient from many years of practice and such occasions are rare. Somewhat irreverent towards authority figures who have done nothing to earn her respect, which can get her into a great deal of trouble, but knows how to put on a good face to avoid trouble. In case that doesn’t work, she also knows how to run. Nalire is open and friendly with most - though she simply cannot tolerate the vain or the overbearing - and extremely loyal to those close to her as she values friendship above all other relationships. Very open-minded as a result of her upbringing, even though there’s nothing overly objectionable even to the most traditionally-minded holder about her own morals and preferences, and detests those who can’t respect the choices of others. Rather unmotivated, Nalire tends to settle in one place and make peace with being there rather than try for anything better or different - the only real exceptions thus far being her move to Kere Valla and her decision to try for Impression.


Personality & Traits

Personal History Born to a married pair of drudges at a Weyrhold, Nalire’s parents opted to raise her up themselves to their position rather than foster her out. While some would have called the decision to limit their daughter’s choices so early in life selfish, Nalire never minded. She thrived as a weyrbrat, playing with those near her age in between helping her parents in the lower caverns. Time and age distanced her from her parents, and she was technically on her own long before she made the decision to go to the newly-opening Kere Valla Weyr. She decided not long after the transfer that she wanted to claim her weyrbrat right to stand for Impression, but expects nothing to come of it.