Candidate Velicia, ANPC

Name Velicia

Position Adoptables

Second Position Candidates

Rank Candidate

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 16
Pet Name(s) Trist, Brown Firelizard
Pet's Age 3

Physical Appearance

Physical Description • Velicia has dark blond hair which she keeps cut at a length just above her shoulders. She has a very strong bone structure in her face, which makes her facial shape seem less round and soft and more defined. Her hazel eyes, while beautiful up close, are not too distinctive from far away, like most of her physical features. Despite what some might think, she prefers this to standing out, since her 5'8", almost 5'9" height at such a young age already distinguishes her from many other girls her age.
• When in the company of those she is not familiar with, Velicia - whose nickname is 'Lici (LEE-see) - can be a very noticeable underachiever. She is very humble, some of which has been brought on by her work in the kitchens and most of which has been caused by the lack of attention by her foster parents, who had divided their attention among three other children. However, when comfortable with those she associates, she will on occasion show bold behavior and some leadership ability. Because of her submissive nature, she can seem like too much of a people pleaser to some, and rarely is angry at anyone. Velicia is also not very good at making decisions and sticking with them, which has made her a carefree person, although sometimes it does not benefit her. One thing she is sure about, however, is that she loves to be around Kere Valla Weyr's dragons.
Pet(s) Description Triste is a medium colored brown firelizard who is very attached to Velicia. In fact, for the first Turn of his life, she was the only one whom he would be comfortable being around. Since then, he has been more open to others that he has seen around Velicia. With them, he is a very friendly firelizard and doesn't purposefully get into trouble _too_ often.


Personality & Traits

Personal History Velicia's parents, a brownrider and greenrider, were originally located in a northern Weyr, where Velicia was born. They lived there until she was five, and then transferred south to a Weyrhold. At this time, her parents' duties began to command most of their times, and so she was put into the care of foster parents. They transferred to a cothold associated with Black Rock Hold not too long after taking her under their wing. While her foster father has constantly urged her since she was ten Turns old to find a suitable craft to apprentice with, her foster mother has always told her to do whatever makes her happy. Even so, Velicia has also been very undecided about what she wants to do with her life, and had been working in the cothold's kitchens. She impressed her firelizard, Triste, when she was 13, and his presence made her aware of how fond she is of his relatives, dragons. Her foster parents wondered if a Search dragon would see any potential in her as a candidate. Fortunately, a Search dragon sought her out very recently, and she now lives at Kere Valla Weyr as a candidate.