Holdstaff Fenlyn, ANPC

Name Fenlyn

Position Adoptables

Second Position Drudge

Rank Holdstaff

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 17

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Fenlyn is 5'6 tall and weighs 138 pounds. He has thick, close-cropped brown hair, and bright hazel eyes set in a untanned, cheery face. He has an altogether unremarkable physical appearance, which he assumes will make him easily forgettable. To further aid the image, Fenlyn dresses only in simple, comfortable clothes of dull colors, suitable for a farm hand or drudge.

Fenlyn has a very friendly disposition, and he loves people. Sitting, standing or working in the midst of a crowd of chatty, happy, bustling people is his idea of the best place on Pern. Consequently, something he has a hard time with is being off on his own and as such, is prone to irrational bouts of deep sadness when he is left alone.


Personality & Traits

Personal History enlyn was born the eigth and last son in a relatively well-to-do family of farmers. Beholden to a minor northern hold, his father and mother and uncle and aunt ran a large, successful farm. Surrounded by family, Fenlyn couldn't have been more at east, and he would have been happy to follow in the family trades, as a farmercrafter or beastcrafter. Before he was old enough to apprentice to either craft, it was unhappily noticed that Fenlyn was clearly not and would never be quite so large and sturdy as his older brothers and cousins. It was also discovered that he happened to be the owner of a very ungreen thumb. Confused about what exactly to do with the boy, the family simply kept Fenlyn at doing chores like everyone else, but often the less important, less desireable chores around the farm.

When Fenlyn was well into his fourteenth turn, he was more than frustrated with his role on the farm and demanded that he be allowed to apprentice. Trapped at last, his family reluctantly apprenticed Fenlyn as a beastcrafter. Unfortunately, the boy turned out to be more disasterous with animals than with plants. Afraid of the damage Fenlyn could bring on the farm, his father decided to bring him away from the fields and into the home to see if the boy could at least help with the paperwork. As it turned out, Fenlyn was great with figures and had a natural apptitude for what was needed to run a farm. Unfortunately, it gave Fenlyn a headache. That, and he hated being stuck with work that occupied so much of his time in so isolating a fashion.

Shortly after his seventeenth birthingday, Fenlyn announced to his parents that he wanted to go to a proper crafthall and continue his apprenticeship there. His family didn't have the heart to advise him against it, and some were frankly pleased that they would loose a rather moody and assumedly useless younger brother and cousin. With his parents' blessings and more than enough marks for the journey and hall stay -- which most of his relatives knew wouldn't be very long -- Fenlyn grimly set out. He had decided from the beginning that he wouldn't go to any crafthall, for none really interested him. He would simply go make a life for himself as best he could, as far from his family as he could manage. Soon after that, Fenlyn found himself holdless and markless on the steps of Cascade Weyr and without a lot of options.